Adoption is merely normal, ordinary yet special, much like birth is ordinary yet special
A key pillar of a sound state is accountability. Alongside precise objectives and precise powers, we need layer upon layer of accountability mechanisms
There is a dire need for policy and politics to combine to build a serious narrative around non-farm formal job creation
There’s a small but growing community of those who shun religion
India has to implement key reforms in at least three areas—energy, land and labour—to get its economy back on track. It also needs to expand the ambit of economic and political freedom
The government’s fixation on bad subsidies is supporting corruption, not the poor
Great damage was done by changing the Preamble in our Constitution to make India ‘socialist’. What we have as a result is not a welfare state, but an ‘illfare’ one
If the image of youth has changed rapidly in the recent past, then why hasn’t the image of our seniors?
India has created a new model to democratically deal with deep diversities. It accepts that political boundaries do not and need not coincide with cultural boundaries
Laws in India straitjacket men and women into strict gender roles
The country’s creaking infrastructure has been unable to support its cities’ rapid growth. Local governments should be granted autonomy to increase productivity