
Gradiant is a unique unicorn: Prakash Govindan

Gradiant is a unique unicorn: Prakash Govindan

One of the big moats of our business has been our ability to drive cost efficiencies:  Varun Berry

One of the big moats of our business has been our ability to drive cost efficiencies: Varun Berry

Business is about minimising mistakes, not avoiding them: Ajay Mariwala

Business is about minimising mistakes, not avoiding them: Ajay Mariwala

India will see a big improvement in education at the mass level: Ashish Dhawan

India will see a big improvement in education at the mass level: Ashish Dhawan

Indians no longer want to just play chess; they want to be the best: Viswanathan Anand

Indians no longer want to just play chess; they want to be the best: Viswanathan Anand