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Names Not Numbers

Names Not Numbers is an ideas conference which provides a space for individuals to explore how and why

Jasodhara Banerjee
Published: Nov 24, 2011 11:11:31 AM IST
Updated: Nov 24, 2011 11:19:12 AM IST
Names Not Numbers

Names Not Numbers Mumbai is part of an annual series of conferences that bring together 100 key players and thinkers from varied sectors to discuss and debate what individuality means in the current age of mass cultures. The inaugural symposium was held in 2009. “At a time, where to some extent we are all held captive by modern life, Names Not Numbers is an ideas conference which provides a space for individuals to explore how and why,” says Sam Harvey, director, West India, British Council, which is one of the organisers of the event. Speakers for the November 26, 2011 event include, Vinita Bali (managing director, Britannia Industries), R. Balakrishnan (chairman and chief creative officer, Lowe Lintas, Mumbai), James Crabtree (Mumbai correspondent, Financial Times) and Kishwar Desai (novelist and winner of the Costa First Novel Award 2010), among many others. 

For the complete list of speakers and event details, visit

(This story appears in the 02 December, 2011 issue of Forbes India. To visit our Archives, click here.)