Conserve some cash, but don't be afraid to make staggered investments in blue-chip stocks in current times of high uncertainty and market volatility
Rock and roll of the bulls, or jazz of the bears, seemingly, stock investors are unwilling to leave the party yet. The phenomenal equity returns in the summer of 2020 and 2021 have given investors a strong reason to keep the spirit up, as they try hard to match steps with the beats of this highly volatile market.
However, there are signs of fatigue setting in as risks increase and uncertainty takes a toll on outlook for returns.
Central banks have been preparing to turn off the liquidity tap as they wrestle inflation. After nearly four years, the US Federal Reserve hiked interest rates by 25 basis points on March 16, as it expects inflation to remain elevated above 4 percent. The US Fed has indicated series of rate hikes to bring the benchmark rate to 2.8 percent (see chart).
“I think the US Fed rate hike has pretty much been discounted,†says Hiren Ved, founder, director, and CIO at Alchemy Capital Management.
Neelesh Surana, CIO-equity, Mirae Asset Investment Managers, says the stability of crude prices is more important than the pace of interest rate increase in the US, which has been anticipated for some time. “It’s the end-of-an-era of low interest rate and under the new regime, global equities would behave differently. Pockets of froth created due to low interest rates would normalise,†he adds.