W Power 2024

Storyboard18 - To Her, With Love: The real-life superheroes in Microsoft CMO Hitu Chawla's life

Microsoft India's chief marketing officer, Hitu Chawla, on all the women in her life who have shaped the person and professional she is today

2 min read
Published: Mar 2, 2022 05:38:20 PM IST

Hitu Chawla, CMO, Microsoft India

I’ve been fortunate to cross paths with so many women who’ve left an enduring impression on me, it’s difficult to count or name just a few. Friends, colleagues, mentors, teachers and even house helps—many women have shaped who I am today.

If I’m goal-oriented, it’s because I’ve grown up watching my mother achieve impossible feats despite her visual impairment. If I’m empathetic, it’s because a former boss showed me the power of compassion at work. If I’m resolute, it’s because I was inspired by a colleague for whom giving up was just not an option.

Whether it’s through direct guidance or simply observing them, I have learned a lot from the women in my life. Their grace and courage have been the building blocks of my worldview and continue to be.

What amazes me the most is the women who navigate their many roles at work and home with such ease and elan. I know women—stellar professionals and entrepreneurs—who give their 100 percent at work and still make quality time for their kids while being primary caretakers for parents. I’ve met women who are the sole breadwinners while being full-time homemakers!

They are my real-life superheroes.

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Also, I truly look up to the men behind these women that help make an ecosystem of sharing duties and supporting each other. I know a few who took a step back in their careers to contribute more at home and enable their wives to shine professionally.

This Women’s Day, I’d like to give a shout-out to these women and men who’ve inspired me to become the person and professional I am today. Thank you—Heather Gordon, Sherlaender Phillips, Magdalena Vesovikj, Nerelys Ortiz, Anne Sheehan, Midori Chen, Charoo Singh, Sangeeta Bavi, Himani Agrawal, Anita Akerkar, Anita Kotwani, Richa Sethi, Nishant Agarwal, Reuben Sidhu and Thank you, Mom!

‘To her, with love’ is a Storyboard18 special series where women in leadership tell us about the women who inspired them and led the way. A shout-out to her.