The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) Chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch has announced that India's stock markets will move towards a T+1 (trade + 1) settlement cycle for all scrips, starting October 1, 2023. The regulator is also working towards T+0, or instant transaction settlements. What will actually change in the trading ecosystem and what can we expect in coming months?
From January 27, all top listed securities, which includes shares, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), real estate investment trusts (REITs), infrastructure investment trusts (InvITs), sovereign gold bond (SGB), government bonds, and corporate bonds trading in the equity segment was being settled on T+1 basis.
This process was, of course, much slower in previous decades. Prior to year 2000, until corporatisation of stock exchanges and the development of automated depositories were complete, settlement of trades was on a weekly basis.
Historically, the longer a settlement cycle, the larger are the trades which stand unsettled at any one point of time. The settlement cycle was then changed to a T+3 system; followed by T+2 in 2003. So, under T+2, if you buy a share on Monday, it will be delivered to your demat account only on Wednesday.