Gold stocks are issued by companies who are linked with processing and mining of the precious metal
The COVID-19 breakout and the ensuing market slowdown has led to a lot of people asking the same question. Are my investments safe?
Since February, the global stock market began to fall, and the loss was quite significant in the U.K., especially during March. Now, the market is showing signs of recovery, but it still is volatile. It is not only the U.K. market that suffered due to the COVID-19. Markets in the U.S. and India also showed a significant decline.
Dividends: How Are They Affected
After the market slowdown, various companies across the U.K. either stopped the dividends or delayed them. Banks and insurance sectors suffered the most and had to stop dividends. However, people who invested in tobacco, food retail, and utility sectors fared much better and received returns on their investments.
How are the investors reacting to the termination of dividends? They are on edge as we do not have a full picture of the impacts of COVID-19 on the long run. There is a possibility that most industries would see huge profits as lots of people would come out of lockdown to buy products. This surge in buyers might lead to better returns later. Most investors are also relieved as the dividends are mostly suspended or delayed instead of being axed.
How to Protect Your Investment?