Take a photo tour of Mumbai's iconic T2 airport terminal
With launches and design tweaks, carmakers fight to jack up their share of the Indian market
Four of the biggest names from Indian art industry came together as jurors on January 14th to pick winners of the inaugural edition of Forbes India Art Awards. The Awards comes at a time when the art world in the country recovers from a "slowdown" post 2008. As Lekha Poddar, head of the jury, says: "It is our collective duty to educate and empower the next generation with the knowledge of our art, rich heritage and civilisation
The December 19 sale was preceded by public viewings and a panel discussion
In our age of high-pitched news television, everyone’s-a-photographer-now smartphones and the resulting social media overload, does photojournalism still have a place? We like to think it does. Skilled photographers document, often at great risk and with much effort, what’s happening in our world, arresting our ever-distracted eyes as they skim the pages and screens that bombard us, serving up the tragedies and joys, the evil and the sublime, the beauty in the mundane. At the peak of their c
Forbes India played host to a distinguished gathering of individuals and organisations who have created philanthropic models that look set to stand the test of time. The Good Samaritans pledged to do even more as they collected their awards at a ceremony in Bangalore on November 29. The winners’ trophies were exquisite metalwork keepsakes depicting the Mubhi Tree, symbolic of the art of giving.