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  4. Priyanka Paul

Priyanka Paul, @artwhoring

Priyanka Paul

About Priyanka Paul

Priyanka Paul aka Artwhoring is a self-taught illustrator and writer who challenges the status quo through her art, and hopes to convey the need to analyse accepted social norms and reevaluate the wrongs in society. Paul's work revolves around the themes of social justice, marginalisation, and self-exploration. She spends her free time locking horns on the internet and analysing media trends and contemporary society.

creator stats

  • Rank: 82
  • Age: 4
  • Gender : Female
  • Handle: @artwhoring
  • Category: Changemakers
  • City : Mumbai
  • Goat Score : 7.1
  • Genuity: 78.92%
  • Engagement Rate: 3.48%
  • Avg Reach: 27,368
  • Avg Views: 27,723
  • Avg Engagement: 1,862
*Data is of past 12 months i.e Sep 2022 – Aug 2023