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Abhinav Mahajan, @abhinavmahajanlife

Abhinav Mahajan

About Abhinav Mahajan

Mahajan has 12 international fitness certifications and holds the titles of Master Trainer and Elite Coach. He has worked with over 300 global brands. He is also one of the designated brand ambassadors for Puma. Mahajan's transformative approach has helped over 10,000 clients and he is gearing up to launch his fitness brand and app in 2024.

creator stats

  • Rank: 66
  • Age: 33
  • Gender : Male
  • Handle: @abhinavmahajanlife
  • Category: Health & Fitness
  • City : Chandigarh
  • Goat Score : 7.66
  • Genuity: 78.03%
  • Engagement Rate: 3.60%
  • Avg Reach: 1,09,557
  • Avg Views: 67,482
  • Avg Engagement: 13,013
*Data is of past 12 months i.e Sep 2022 – Aug 2023