Here are the dangers of utilising vaguely understood and/or inconsistently applied labels when it comes to policy making
If you want ROI on multicultural teams, go organize a cultural immersion week to bring the team members together
The formal and the informal sectors are not binary. They often co-exist and feed into one-another; the drive towards formalisation might paradoxically end up increasing the space of the informal
The central bank's latest moves could lead to a more sound and stable banking system in the country
'Frontlines' is the term used for the service/sales force that are at the interface between the customer and the brand
Leadership is about conquering the outside from the inside. It is about developing the ability to see imperfection perfectly
While entrepreneurs need to re-examine their roles periodically during the different stages of growth, employees need to consider what value they bring to the company
Academic research has found that perfectionists are much more susceptible to certain disorders and challenges when compared to non-perfectionists
Will a country with a high global democracy index be always be one with moderate to good functional local democracy?
Indian IT services firms should focus their sights on the domestic front, and target sectors whose technology needs have hitherto been unmet, such as healthcare
All the factors that normally would help the family businesses on the business side of the transition may end up being a drag on the family side and vice versa