How Eastern teaching can inform Western thinking about leadership and vice versa?
A Harvard research team recently set out to better understand what managers can do to encourage employees to speak up about problems, and to investigate how managers can encourage employees to offer solutions
Leadership is based on complex phenomena
Rosabeth Moss Kanter discusses her ideas on managing innovation
Harvard Business Publishing has released new toolkits to help managers make key marketing decisions on market analysis, break-even analysis, customer lifetime value, profit and pricing, and analyzing the competitive environment
Many retailers tend to overlook store processes and treat store labor as an expense to be minimized
Energy is the problem of our time, says Rebecca Henderson
Competing on price is ultimately a bet on your cost position
Market categories help establish expectations about products and hence facilitate exchange between buyers and sellers
We all know we should be saving for retirement, but how much should we be squirreling away?
When it comes to implementing science in retailing, the 'missionary' is more important than the scientist