One Thing Today in Tech

How Acumen and Apple want to support renewable energy startups for poorer communities in India

How Acumen and Apple want to support renewable energy startups for poorer communities in India

Acumen names first Energy for Livelihoods India cohort in partnership with Apple

Acumen names first Energy for Livelihoods India cohort in partnership with Apple

One thing today in tech — Infosys to build 50,000 strong AI army on NVIDIA tech

One thing today in tech — Infosys to build 50,000 strong AI army on NVIDIA tech

One thing today in tech — Apple highlights net zero efforts launching iPhone 15 and Watch 9

One thing today in tech — Apple highlights net zero efforts launching iPhone 15 and Watch 9

One thing today in tech — The next wave of global capability centres in India

One thing today in tech — The next wave of global capability centres in India