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Take the Counter-Terrorism Quiz

Popular myths about terrorism busted!

Published: Aug 5, 2011 03:29:43 PM IST
Updated: Aug 5, 2011 03:37:04 PM IST

Yet another terrorist strike in Mumbai and everyone—from politicians to journalists to armchair analysts—has given his or her opinion about how India must fight terror. Many of these notions are just myths but over time, they have become popular wisdom. Even our leaders and police seem to believe in some of them. Naturally, India's response to terrorism has been misguided, weak and reactive.

What India needs today is a top-notch counter-terrorism expert who will bust these myths and reveal the truth about how terrorism really operates. And fashion a strategy to end terrorism on its soil once for all. Do you think you have it in you to do just that? Test your understanding of how this deadly business really operates by answering 10 simple questions, Click https://stg.forbesindia.com/TerrorismQuiz