W Power 2024

Go Ahead, Be A Loser

BigLoser helps you to lose weight and also helps for charitable cause

2 min read
Published: Jul 7, 2011 06:55:34 AM IST
Updated: Jul 12, 2011 01:40:11 PM IST
Go Ahead, Be A Loser

If you have been looking for company to help you shed those extra kilos, search no more. You can now stop nagging your colleagues and conning unsuspecting friends into taking up gym memberships so that you don’t feel  you are the only one fighting the flab.

BigLoser not only peps you up to lose weight — its Web site bigloserindia.com has a host of interactive options, news, podcasts and morale-boosters — it also helps a charitable cause. For every kilo you lose, a sponsor donates Rs. 10 or more to charity. So, you feel good about the fact that it is not just your gym that is benefiting from your weight loss.

Started in February, this online venture has 73 members in India and you can join the movement by tweeting with the #bglsr hashtag and asking for sponsorship. Anyone can choose to sponsor your weight loss. There can be more than one sponsor, and you could even sponsor yourself.   

Once you are part of the gang, you can share your progress, exchange notes, tips on healthy eating and exercise regimes. Every week, there is a Big Loser of the Week, based on the individual’s motivation, weight loss and interactions.

All this acts as a big boost to ensure that your battle with the bulge is not long and lonely, but filled with enthusiasm and encouragement.

(This story appears in the 15 July, 2011 issue of Forbes India. To visit our Archives, click here.)