The Black Jaguar is the most expensive coffee Proud Mary has ever bought. They made 22 cups available in Melbourne, and a limited amount was stocked at their cafes in Austin and Portland in the US
Coffee being filtered at the Proud Mary cafe in Melbourne Coffee being filtered at the Proud Mary cafe in Melbourne
Image: William West / AFP©
At US$140 a pop, one cafe in Melbourne, Australia is serving up no ordinary cup of joe.
Melbourne has long been famed for its coffee culture, with Italian and Greek migrants infusing the city with all things bean and cup since the 1940s.
And for those looking for a next-level experience, one cafe is selling a cup at 50 times the price of a regular flat white or espresso.
The coffee—hailed as one of the world's finest—is grown in Panama's Chiriqui region.
Dubbed "Black Jaguar", the beans came first at the prestigious 2022 Best of Panama auction in the Natural Geisha category, scoring 96.5 out of 100.