W Power 2024

Social animals: Standout digital influencers

Young, connected individuals who wield power on social media

1 min read
Published: May 6, 2017 07:07:55 AM IST
Updated: May 5, 2017 11:33:24 AM IST

Jen Selter

Standout digital influencers cashing in on their online  followings To broadcasttheir messages to millennials,lifestyle brands—billion-dollar cosmetics conglomerates and health food startups alike—are increasingly turning away from traditional marketing and toward ‘social influencers’: Young, connected digital natives who live their lives (or carefully curated versions thereof) on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Our newest list ranks these Power Influencers, weighing their reach and relevance in partnership with analytics firm Traackr, and estimating their earning power with data courtesy of influencer-marketing firm Captiv8. Our first instalment covers three categories: Fitness, beauty and home. Look for quarterly updates as we expand the ranking to a dozen categories at forbes.com/top-social-influencers .