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Architectural vision

Published: May 8, 2019 02:59:17 AM IST
Updated: May 8, 2019 03:42:28 PM IST

Proprietor, Deepak Mehta And Associates
Years of experience: 32 years

Inspired by design ideas that increase the efficiency of infrastructure, Deepak Mehta started Deepak Mehta and Associates, a firm that provides research and consultancy services in design and development of human settlements, regional and urban planning, environmental planning, architectural and engineering design. An accomplished architect, Mehta is an IIT Roorkee alumnus. His company offers specialised sustainability services in housing and town planning projects that reflect clear segregation and optimum integration of interior and exterior spaces.


Mehta says, “What makes us unique is that we always try to be simple, concise, effective and efficient. Open and timely communication is practiced at every step within the firm as well as with the clients, to eliminate flaws. We aim to be very flexible with our design, keeping the client as the foremost consideration while also making sure that all the professional nitty-gritty of the procedure has met.”

Services offered at Deepak Mehta and Associates include architecture, structural, site planning, landscape, interiors, electrical, plumbing, fire fighting, heating and ventilation. In all their services, the firm vests special attention towards ensuring different aspects and functions of planning, leading, organising and controlling are set in an efficient, informed, coordinated and smarter way.

Charting The Path
Architect Deepak Mehta's prolific professional life is synonymous with a futuristic architectural vision, sound technical knowledge, practical planning and effective time management. These qualities along with the capability to build strong infrastructure and sustainable design steered the burgeoning success of his architectural firm Deepak Mehta and Associates since 1987. Having a strong pan-India presence, the company has successfully completed various projects for private, government and semi government organisations. Mehta adds, “From a meagre initial turnover of Rs 1 lakh to to an average annual turnover of Rs 10 crore in past four years, we have grown leaps and bounds. The future is largely market dependent, but we make efforts to be updated of the trends, latest technology, materials and changing work cultures. We look forward to keeping pace with the latest advances and yet be rooted to the age old traditions in architecture.”

Life Lessons
• You respect time, time shall respect you.
• Your best work is your benchmark for next allocation.
• Aim to make a difference.
• Never be afraid to prove your point.
• Create opportunities for yourself.
• Success is guaranteed after multiple failures.
• You will never know everything.
• You are consistently learning.
• Follow your conviction.
• Do small things with great care.


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