W Power 2024

Active lifestyle and healthy diet: Necessary for economic, social and functional independency

Dr Das discusses about the role of active lifestyle and healty food habits in builing the economic, social and functional independency

Published: Feb 11, 2022 05:03:19 PM IST

A human being is a social animal and is always surrounded by family, office, society, community and so on. Hence keeping a balance in all these aspects of life becomes important which is achieved by self-independence and mobility. Thus good Muscular skeletal health becomes crucial for maintaining economical, social and individual independence across the life course.

In today’s fast-moving world the rapid growth of video games, social media, movie streaming has contributed the maximum to the sedentary life and unhealthy eating habits leading to less mobility, decreased physical exercise, increasing incidences of modern lifestyle-related diseases and impaired Muscular skeletal health. Impaired Long term mobility impairment is a major cause resulting in work loss, early retirement and loss of retirement wealth causing mental health issues thus increasing the global economic burden substantially.

So, give some time to yourself, increase the amount of physical activity and eat healthily. This video presents the relationship between maintaining good muscular-skeletal health necessary for you’re over independence.


Issued in Public Interest by Dr.Reddy's Laboratories LTD

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