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Toyota regains its Strength in an Unlikely Location

After a humbling fall, Japan's automotive titan rebuilds its manufacturing prowess in the unlikeliest of places

Published: Jul 26, 2012 06:43:02 AM IST
Updated: Feb 28, 2014 12:32:53 PM IST
Toyota regains its Strength in an Unlikely Location
Image: Spencer Lowell for Forbes
QUIET ON THE LINE: Toyota’s new Blue Springs plant operates with the hushed bustle of a busy office

Even by Toyota’s innovative manufacturing standards, its newest factory looks nothing like any car plant that’s come before it. You can see straight up to the ceiling and across every row on the line. Workers pluck parts from prestocked boxes already arranged in the order they need them. The clanking of machinery overhead, the piles of parts next to the assembly line, cars stretched end to end—that’s all gone, replaced by a hushed bustle familiar to anyone who works in a busy office.

But even more stunning than the quiet is the location. This isn’t Japan. The $800 million plant—the most advanced of all 65 the company owns or operates worldwide—sits in Blue Springs, Mississippi, 20 minutes from Elvis’ birthplace.

Blue Springs represents more than just cranking out Corollas—it’s a statement for a company that always put Japan first and everyone else second and a potential blueprint, given Toyota’s clout, for how cars will be built going forward.

“When you start a new plant it’s the only opportunity you’ve got to push the envelope and try new things,” says David Copenhaver, vice president of production and administrative support at Blue Springs and the public face of the plant.

For years Toyota factories—univer- sally accepted as having the most advanced manufacturing processes in the industry—were built on a model of high-volume, high-efficiency produc- tion, relying on automation like welding robots, with a big emphasis on training workers to do the jobs its engineers decided they should do. Here in Blue Springs the emphasis has shifted to being smaller, leaner and smarter. The streamlined paint shop, with just one oven instead of the usual three, is less expensive than a conventional operation. The machinery that workers use is light and easy to handle. Nothing anyone lifts weighs more than 30 pounds. The hopes for this working laboratory are simple: safer workers, higher quality and more money saved, all crucial to Toyota’s recovery.

Toyota badly needs the shake-up. Three years ago its once sterling reputation was sullied as much by the recalls of 9 million vehicles worldwide as what those recalls revealed. US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood denounced Toyota as “safety deaf”. The company’s American executives revealed they didn’t have the power to act quickly because Toyota kept decision making rooted in Japan.

CEO Akio Toyoda, grandson of the company’s founder, initially ducked an appearance before Congress and, once he got there, opened with an apology: “For me, when the cars are damaged, it is as though I am as well.” Later in the day, speaking to dealers and journalists, he stunned the crowd by choking up, clearly in tears.

Little wonder: This was the family company’s biggest crisis since World War II. After a decade-long climb that saw it unseat General Motors as the world’s largest carmaker, Toyota’s profits fell from more than $13.9 billion in 2007 to a $4.4 billion 2009 loss. Its global sales, which peaked at nearly 9 million in 2008, making it the world’s biggest carmaker, fell to 7 million in 2009, and it was unseated by GM in 2011. The recalls weren’t the only mess that needed fixing. After a 20-year, $20 billion building spree in North America that saw it open plants in Kentucky, Ontario, Indiana, West Virginia and Alabama, Toyota hit speed bumps on its next venture, a $1.4 billion truck plant in Texas that preceded the announcement of the Mississippi factory.

The Texas factory, built specifically to make pickup trucks, got off to a slow start when Toyota found out just how hard it was to compete in a market dominated by GM and Ford. Stories circulated that the workforce there needed more training than Toy- ota had counted on, and sales slumps in 2008 and 2010 due to high oil prices and the recession forced the company to temporarily shut down the factory.

Toyota regains its Strength in an Unlikely Location
Image: Spencer Lowell for Forbes
VP DAVID COPENHAVER helps run Blue Springs. “We need to be able to stand on our own,” he says

Toyota chose Blue Springs to host its most updated ideas on production because it was the next factory in line and also because the area was rich in manufacturing expertise—some 30 percent of the region’s population has a background in industries like furniture and tyre production. The line is nonunion, as are all Toyota plants in the US. But the missteps and sales slumps made Blue Springs the Kate Middleton of car plants, its launch delayed for nearly two years. Twice Toyota changed the plan for which vehicles would be assembled there, shifting from the Highlander SUV to the Prius hybrid and ultimately to the Corolla compact. Although the overall costs didn’t go up, the shifts meant reconfiguring the stamping presses and changing the layout of a factory floor that was intended to build SUVs, not compacts. “We had to tear up a lot of stuff,” says Copenhaver.

Now the changes are finished, all 2,000 workers have been hired, and more than 400 Corollas a day are leaving the plant on trucks and railroad cars seven days a week. You’d expect the factory to be the usual salmagundi of noise that a typical plant creates. Yes, delivery trucks speed by, and there are the sounds of workers conversing and attaching parts. But it’s a far calmer and less cacophonous experience than the usual Detroit din.

One reason is that Blue Springs uses what Toyota terms a “blue sky” approach. Almost everything stays at eye level or below, and there are conveyors in only one spot, meaning less machinery that might need attention (and less noise).
Another change: In most plants car bodies go down the assembly line front to back. Here, in places, they move along side to side, in what Toyota calls “bias assembly.” Bias assembly means workers have a shorter distance to walk. Instead of headlight to taillight, they’re simply moving across the middle of the car. Getting around those cars is much easier, too. No longer do workers have to stop and pick through bins and racks of parts next to the assembly line, a process that at times has seemed like sorting the screws in an Ikea chair. An entire section of the plant is devoted to prestocking boxes of parts that are delivered to the line with everything the workers need.          

In the paint shop Toyota is using a “three wet” process where each coat goes on in order and then the entire collection is baked once at the end, rather than in three coats. That saves electricity, but it raises the stakes for cleanliness, since a defect could ruin three layers, not just one.

Size is the biggest change of all. Blue Springs will prove whether Toyota is making the right bet on the auto industry’s future: that small, decentralized plants are the way to go. In its first two decades in the US, Toyota and other carmakers were convinced that mass-market plants had to build roughly 400,000 cars a year in order to maximize efficiency. Yet those big plants became unwieldy in all sorts of ways, from handling inventory to training workers to keeping production flowing smoothly. Smallness also reveals problems, since there’s nowhere to hide.

“Toyota is making a huge bet that the way to sell lots of cars is to not only engineer the cars well but to also engineer the production process well,” says Gary Chaison, professor of industrial relations at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Copenhaver and his American peers are well aware of what’s at stake. “We need to be able to stand on our own,” he says. To thrive in the future, Toyota does, too. So far, so good.

(This story appears in the 03 August, 2012 issue of Forbes India. To visit our Archives, click here.)

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