Helping thousands to identify their potential and reach their goals
After securing First Rank in Advanced costing in Pune University in B.Com. First rank in Advanced Statistics in M.Com. and third rank in D.T.L. Prof. Mahesh Purandare instead of joining a white collared job decided to pursue his love for teaching. He started his venture Mahesh Purandare classes with just two students in 1986. After 34 successful years his institution has been instrumental in helping thousands of students to identify their potential and reach their goals. Today his students are working at high posts in multinational companies in India as well as abroad. They fondly recall his distinctive ways of teaching, integrating current affairs and his sense of humor which made learning easy for them.
Teaching being his passion, he has been teaching tirelessly 14 hrs. a day, 7 days a week for more than 30 years. His expertise spans a whooping 16 subjects including Accounts, Costing, Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Company Law, Income Tax, Management etc.
His wife CMA Prof. Archana Purandare has an equal share in making the institute reach its plnnacle. Since their marriage in 1994 Mr. Mahesh Purandare and Mrs. Archana Purandare have been running this institute together. Their aim is not just results and marks but to develop the core concepts and skills of students in such a way that they are ready to face the challenges of real corporate world.
Prof. Mahesh Purandare has taught a large number of under privileged students free of charge and led them on their path to success.
The achievement of his students is the real recognition of Prof. Mahesh Purandare. His students have bagged the Board Prizes in Accounts, Mathematics, Economics, Organisation of Commerce and other subjects. Every year many of his students score full marks in Accountancy and Mathematics and secure top ranks in University Examinations. Throughout these years a number of his students have also made it to the ALL INDIA MERIT LIST OF C.A., C.M.A. AND C.S.
For his eminent work Prof. Mahesh Purandare is honored with the National Achievement Award for Academic Excellence in appreciation of his outstanding individual achievements and distinguished services to the society at the hands of Padmashree Anup Jalota and Padmashree Suresh Wadkar. Recently he has also been honored by Sakal with 'Excellence in Education Award' at the hands of Padmashree Prataprao Pawar.