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MARK Model can chisel your life and transform businesses

'MARK Model' gives you precise steps on evolving your mind, creating habits of greats salespeople

Published: Oct 8, 2020 11:44:25 AM IST

MARK Model, a unique performance framework guiding you to create a New Mindset, translate Your Mindset to Actions, and Repeat Your Actions to create New Habits, is now a universally accepted method to regenerate the immense potentiality housing within you.

Invented by Rajiv Sharma, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Global Guru, the four revolutionary alphabets MARK signifies four different states of the human being: Mindset, Action, Repetition, and Knowledge. Cultivating them will transform you into a person able to face any adverse circumstances.

MARK Model, a result of 30 long years of research on the functioning of the human mind's various functions by Rajiv Sharma, succeeded in training over 500,000 persons worldwide to achieve their personal and business goals.


Mr. Rajiv Sharma has been training professionals on the 'MARK Model' for the last seven years. He has over 1000s of positive reviews on Google with an average rating of 4.9 to his credit.

MARK Model Is based on the Four Pillars of Life, which are:

i.  Mindset

ii.  Action


iii. Repetition and 

iv. Knowledge

The power of the revolutionary self-help framework lies in connecting these four pillars. As you use MARK model, you seamlessly move from one pillar to another, with the following premises:

• Train to evolve a new Mindset


• Take specific steps to translates your mindset to actions

• Repeat your actions to create new habits

• Spaced repetition creates mastery of the subject

• New habits help you create more knowledge


The power of the MARK Model framework lies in the process that connects your mindset to actions. The model enables you to turn your actions into habits by leveraging Neuro Linguistic Programming tools and techniques.

How Can You Apply MARK Model to Your Business?

Organizations have incorporated the MARK Model framework in their learning interventions to ensure teams take the required actions and transform their behaviors aligned to organizational objectives.

 Suppose you want to achieve your sales targets and meet the annual budget. Your teams need to move with a specific mindset, make sure they take actions, repeat those actions, and turn it into a habit. 'MARK Model' gives you precise steps on evolving your mind, creating habits of greats salespeople. Similarly, this methodology can be applied to Leadership and Management.


1) MINDSET: Everything begins with an idea in your mind. Look around, are there people who have already achieved what your goal is? It's time to model their mindset; what did they do, how did they go about it. And if it is a goal not many have achieved, think it through, organize your mind to see the goal to fruition, map it out as you move.

2) ACTION: Converting a mindset into simple steps and taking action is what this is all about. Where maximum people stop and give up is when the action does not generate the desired results. Most forget that a single action does not bear a result; various action steps in cohesion chart the path to success. Failure, course corrections, and restarting are all a part of this journey; each of them keeps you in action. Rajiv says, "Making a decision is not progress, but the action is."

3) REPETITION: When someone asks you to drive your car, write, eat, or anything in the realm of your regular everyday routines, you will do it in an instant, without really thinking and almost always accurate. That is what repetition does; it makes those repeated actions second nature; it adds to your efficiency and effectiveness without really troubling your mind. And when an action is repeated enough times, an amateur can become an artist, and self-mastery is attained - provided the right action is repeated over and over.

4) KNOWLEDGE: At this level, you innovate, create new cognitive skills, and become what a few have attained so far. Knowledge is wealth. In this information age, your earnings depend on what you know and how you apply it. The more you know and apply, the more the probability of your creating wealth multiplies.


If you want to transform your life change your mindset, as what worked before will not get the results you want to achieve. Convert your mindset into actions and consistently keep taking actions towards your desired goal until it becomes your second nature and an automatic reflex.

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