A Glimpse into the Evolution of Dermatology
The use of cosmetics to improve appearance goes back to before the first century. The Egyptians used various organic and mineral materials to create makeup as far back as 4000 BCE. The 1900s is when modern cosmetology matured and flourished worldwide
Over the last two and half-decade, changes in dermatology take place and marked paradigm shift towards procedural dermatology and cosmetic dermatology. In addition, dermatological practice expanded to encompass a wide range of surgical, diagnostic, and aesthetic procedures.
How has Cosmetology changed in the Last 25 years?
Last 20-25 years have witnessed a tremendous growth in its surgical component and dermatologists have widely adopted various surgical and cosmetic procedures in their clinical practice. The methodology and the systems used in Dermatology treatments in the past were entirely different when compared to those used in the present times. The technological advancements made in the field of Dermatology paved the way for innumerable kinds of methods and procedures which have reduced the risk of side effects.
Combined feat of continued education, research and public awareness continues to raise the profile of the dermatological discipline. Collectively, these developments are paramount to the success of the unique medico-surgical specialty we behold today.
Today, nothing can rejuvenate skin like a laser treatment. The technology is changing constantly. Also, body-sculpting services that incorporate lasers have begun to get popularity due to the low downtime and no surgical procedures. In the past, the equipment necessary for such treatments were not easily source able, but that's not the case anymore.
The medical field of laser treatment has made such a great advancement in the recent years that the patient is no longer worried about the side effects. With the advancement of medicine, the field of Dermatology and Aesthetic practices is thriving. Laser treatment used for tattoo removal, pigmented lesions and for hair removal treatment.
Synergy of Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dermatology
Aesthetic and cosmetic dermatology is one area there can be overlap between the two professions. Both can administer BOTOX, dermal fillers, or a number of other aesthetic treatments, but a dermatologist is generally best qualified to pair these with skin care products, chemical peels, laser treatments, etc to get the best results.
Aesthetic dermatology focus at treatment for the skin, hair or body that is meant to enhance the appearance of a patient. Over the years, aesthetic cosmetology offers different types of procedure which helps in enhancing looks, skin and hair texture.
These are some advance techniques used in derma practice:
BOTOX treatments
Primarily used to treat wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet) or forehead lines, but can also have a number of other applications.
Dermal fillers
Used to restore volume to skin that is lost due to aging around the cheekbones or mouth, but can also be used to add body to the lips or to aging hands.
Chemical peels
Uses medical grade chemicals not available over the counter to correct uneven skin tone or texture, fine lines and wrinkles, or to improve complexion.
Mole removal
Moles can be removed for testing purposes or for aesthetic reasons. Both tend to be quick and easy procedures.
Micro-needling used for a number of reasons, including lessening fine lines or wrinkles, shrinking large pores, or correcting skin texture issues. The small needles are engineered to stimulate the natural production of regenerative collagen by your skin.
The focus in dermatology is shifting gradually from diseased skin to desired skin that people prefer. Moreover, there is an increase in the anti-ageing population in this world who don't want their face wrinkles and aging skin changes.
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