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Entrepreneur and NLP coach Yashica Jalhotra's journey from Zilch to Bigwig

Yashica is now a bestselling author and founder of Quantum of Happiness, had no business background

Published: Oct 27, 2020 10:25:04 AM IST
Updated: Oct 27, 2020 05:21:26 PM IST

Journalist turned life coach and entrepreneur Yashica started from being a nobody and has now carved a niche in the coaching industry internationally. She has proven that not just customers from India benefited, but global students of her include doctors, entrepreneurs, bankers, professionals, and individuals too. She has not only helped herself with the applications and learnings of the power of the mind but has also helped people with a scientific approach. She uses the method practiced by very successful people around the world. 

After giving 15 years into journalism, Yashica, now a bestselling author and founder of Quantum of Happiness, had no business background. Neither her parents nor siblings had done the business of any kind ever. But to establish her company in order to fulfil her mission of spreading lifelong happiness and real mindset transformation to million-plus life, Yashica took a bold step and resigned from the prime position from a leading media publication. Coming from a humble background, since childhood, she was a keen learner and always wanted to do something phenomenal in her life.

However, due to mediocrely programmed mindset, she couldn’t utilise the prime years of her life and lived whatever society, family, media, teachers, friends, boss and overall life had to offer to her. After facing major financial, health and relationship challenges in her life, finally, she transformed her life with the help of little-known inside secrets and techniques used by all the famous and wealthy people around the world. She knows the pain of living with a negatively programmed mindset and losing precious time. And this became the sole reason why she doesn’t want anyone else to lose even a little time of their lives by believing in what they cannot do, have or experience in their lives.

In her offline & online workshops, programs and sessions, she shares her practical learnings and techniques with one single goal: that is to help students program their Subconscious Mind for Great Health, Abundance of Money and Most Loving Relationships so that, like her, they can also transform their lives forever. As a leading NLP coach and founder of Quantum of Happiness, she emphasizes on the most dangerous side-effects of living with negative thoughts and limiting self-beliefs. She mentions that all highly influential people around the world have one thing in common – they all have learned how to reprogram their subconscious minds. While comparing the subconscious mind to a wild monkey that can run rampage the whole day as it is not tired easily.

“The only thing you have to do is to give the wild monkey a purpose“, says Yashica. In her techniques, she uses experimental psychology which deals with the structure or function of the nervous system and brain. She trains people to take charge of their lives leaving behind all the excuses and hassles. From training India’s top lawyers & doctors about managing their personal and work life, she has made a mark by helping very renowned people including a few actors and actresses gain control over their minds. Neuro scientific techniques help in impacting and transforming people’s thoughts.

Her personal and group programs impact people at different levels altogether due to the special attention she gives to her mentees. The online program specially designed for those who do not want to lead a life by default, but by choice. “It’s about your conscious effort to reprogram your mind which indirectly changes your complete life. And when you implement that effort in your life, every single day transformation happens “, she added.

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She has helped over 50,000 students from UAE, Malaysia, Philippines, Australia, Canada, Denmark as well most parts of India. Her bestselling book, 21 laws to manifest the life you desire – crack the scientific code has a received great appreciation from the readers. The book talks about several reports, real-life stories, testimonies and biochemical effects of your thoughts on your body. Based on which, her 21-Day Transformational Online Program is a world-famous guided program, designed with daily practical tasks, sessions, workbook and her direct guidance. To know more visit - www.yashicajalhotra.com

Disclaimer: The views, suggestions and opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the experts. No Forbes India journalist was involved in the writing and production of this article.