W Power 2024

Drexsport Wild Whey And Wild Muscle: One of the most popular protein powders in India

Customer health and satisfaction is more important to DREXSPORT than their profit margin

Published: Jan 1, 2021 01:25:15 PM IST
Updated: Jan 1, 2021 07:32:56 PM IST

The whey protein market is exponentially growing in India and around the globe. Essential nutrition, like proteins, are required for strong, healthy bodies. With more demand, protein powder product authenticity is a significant problem in India. Popular, authentic brands are often copied or adulterated with cheap soy powder and harmful chemicals. Moreover, these impure products are sold with “original-looking” counterfeit labels and jars. Fake products that look like the real ones, including an authenticity verification method, make it harder for customers to find the original products.

The DREXSPORT Brand and DREXSPORT Team have taken advanced steps to prevent counterfeits of their products. DREXSPORT is the first popular protein company in India that sells their products, Wild Whey and Wild Muscle, only on Amazon, Flipkart, and their own website. No third-party sellers, retailers, or distributors are allowed to sell DREXSPORT on- or off-line, which ensures authenticity and trust. Like other popular brands, DREXSPORT could grow their business by allowing third-parties to sell and distribute DREXSPORT products; however, the DREXSPORT Team knows that third-parties can lead to fraudulent products. Customer health and satisfaction is more important to DREXSPORT than their profit margin.

DREXSPORT customers always receive their products straight from the DREXSPORT Warehouse. Consumers can be certain of DREXSPORT’s authenticity by the distinctive hologram on the label and a second hologram on the cap’s seal, which breaks after opening. Our products are packaged using our branded tape for additional security. It is impossible for any third-party to make, duplicate, adulterate, or sell DREXSPORT products.

Both DREXSPORT products, Wild Whey and Wild Muscle, are tested and certified by independent and renowned labs, including American and Indian labs. These same labs verify that DREXSPORT products are natural without artificial ingredients, as each DREXSPORT label states. What is in DREXSPORT Wild Whey and Wild Muscle? Exactly what the label states as ingredients.

Additionally, labs validated DREXSPORT’s protein content as per label. All DREXSPORT products are guaranteed as proprietary, patent-filed, natural, and 100% safe and effective without any gimmicks, like amino spiking, other adulteration, or low-end raw materials. If anyone wants to lab test our products for purity, we welcome you to do so. Visit www.drexsport.com to learn in-depth about The DREXSPORT Brand and Team DREXSPORT.

“No legacy is so rich as honesty.” William Shakespeare.

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DREXSPORT and Team DREXSPORT successfully maintain their product quality, making DREXSPORT a brand you can trust. The majority of our customers buy our products repeatedly, becoming life-time users. We are very confident that our products are made for total satisfaction, not frustration.

Note: Team DREXSPORT responsibly wrote this advertising article about authenticity issues. We promise to strictly adhere to quality standards in all the work DREXSPORT does.

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