Every Indian household frequently grapples with the 'what to cook' question. Kabita Singh, a food blogger and YouTuber from Pune has the answer. From 10-minute pressure cooker recipes to the street aloo chaat and the no-oil aloo-palak, she covers it all. Singh focuses on recipes that are quick, and uses ingredients that are stocked up in most kitchens.
creator stats
Rank: 84
Age: 41
Handle: Kabita's Kitchen
Category: Food
Avg Views: 21,25,589.76
Avg Engagement: 42,042.32
Engagement Rate: 0.72
Avg Reach: 16,38,902
Genuity: 99.56
Creator INscore: 7.76
*Data as on June 9, 2022. All data is of the past 12 months.