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The Best of Both Worlds

Forbes India- A brand new endeavour

Published: May 18, 2009 07:03:00 AM IST
Updated: Dec 13, 2010 06:09:03 PM IST

Launching a new business magazine in these times is a hazardous exercise. But the Network18 group embarked on the project to launch the Indian edition of Forbes at a time when the world economy was clearly in high spirits. Yet within the first four months of our project, we ran smack into the worst downturn in living history. We watched in horror as the world economy shook under the tremors of its impact. Even till two weeks ago, we were staring at the prospect of a hung Parliament adding to the economy's woes. Suddenly, the tide has changed.

We couldn't have asked for more opportune moment to debut Forbes India. Even though the downturn seemed to cast its shadow on our project, the truth is that it really had no perceptible impact on our project. We've continued to invest behind the best people-writers, desk, designers and photographers-and systems. We've remained steadfast in our belief that the Indian market was ready for a world-class business magazine that chronicles the Indian entrepreneurial surge-in a world that is far more connected and integrated than it was even five years ago. In fact, today, the world is looking at India as a test bed for a new model of inclusive capitalism. We're privileged to cover this transformation in one of the world's most exciting emerging markets.

Yet magazines are a losing proposition around the world. So why did Network18 choose to enter the fray? I guess much depends on how you view opportunities. To understand that a bit better, you've got to read Founder and Editor Raghav Bahl describe why Network18 took the plunge into the magazine space . To my mind, it's a brilliant example of Blue Ocean Strategy. Search for uncontested spaces in a market-coupled with a deep belief that every business is a growth business. During our start up phase, we heard a consistent refrain from Indian business leaders: in the last five years, India Inc had grown well beyond our borders. Yet business media had somehow lagged behind. At Forbes India, we've committed to bringing you the best of both worlds: a selection of the best global content that Forbes, one of the world's most influential business magazines has to offer and the most impactful stories from the Indian market. At a time when India steps out to look for opportunities, Forbes India will also provide a sense of how the world looks at us.


In that context, read Forbes Editor-in-Chief Steve Forbes' exclusive column on what the world expects from India.

So are you ready for Forbes India? Do tell us what you think. Let's start the conversation.

Next Post: So how will Forbes India be different?