This financier gave up his job to work in a pay-as-you-wish café. His ultimate aim: To shut down the ‘generosity enterprise’
Four ways in which you can utilise the power of social web to make a strong impact on the world
At 31, Rituraj has turned the family business into the largest Indian security provider. Now he is changing its form
In his modern, 70,000-square-foot teaching centre, Clay Mathile shares management and planning techniques with old-school entrepreneurs owners of roofing, landscaping and metal-stamping firms�aiming to grow
Nature�s Basket changed its strategy to capitalise on the global Indian�s taste for international food. The company�s now poised for growth with its gourmet food stores
For now, Samir Kuckreja has managed to revive the fading eatery chain. But can he propel it back to its former glory?�s Sanjeev Bikhchandani holds a confirmed pass to India�s Internet Hall of Fame. Now he is betting on other Web players to get there too
The time-tested quick-gun formula of Tamil movies gives way to realistic story-telling, often with unknown faces
After an ignominious exit from Penguin, David Davidar is back on the Indian publishing scene. He has teamed up with Rupa's Kapish Mehra to reignite Indian literary fiction
After cracking the temp staffing market, TeamLease�s Manish Sabharwal is focussing on training so he can convert more job seekers into employees
A2Z�S Amit Mittal first found success through managing electrical facilities for big companies. Now he is on to his next idea: Clean power from waste