Team Forbes India has brought you vivid profiles of stars who have achieved various milestones and amassed admirers because of their sustained hard work and determination. All that, and much more, awaits you in this special Showstoppers issue
What would it have been like to interview celebrities in an era when manicured soundbites and page 3 high jinks were as alien as social media posts of stars in kitschy apparel and showy surroundings?
For answers, I dusted out The Penguin Book of Interviews, an anthology from 1859 till the early 1990s edited by Christopher Silvester. The collection stands out for its diversity, depth and brilliance in form and content; and for the often-spontaneous responses to questions from interviewers—and interviewees—who didn’t hold back.
In 1971, Jann S Wenner of the Rolling Stone magazine persistently quizzes John Lennon of the Beatles on his use of LSD:
So LSD started for you in 1964. How long did it go on?
Lennon: It went on for years, I must have had a thousand trips.
(This story appears in the 29 December, 2023 issue of Forbes India. To visit our Archives, click here.)