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This on demand workforce platform is making the industry rethink their work models

With the daily addition of 100 clients and 700 freelancers, Avenue Growth is changing the way brands do business

Published: Jan 27, 2021 05:41:51 PM IST
Updated: Jan 28, 2021 10:23:37 AM IST

Rachit Mathur, CEO & Co- Founder

This era is digital, it's revolutionary and there's no doubt about that. Rapid automation, innovation, digital transformation and revolutionalization are making history and organizations are now left with a puzzle to solve. Finding people with the right skills at the right time to do the right work. What solution can be offered?

It was the year 2001 when Dan Pink- an American author predicted that the future will be dominated by independent workers. Though for a few years to come, this prediction seemed meaningless but now when we are in the future, the prediction is starting to make more sense. The concept of a contingent workforce has existed since man started working but the concept was most likely seen on physical grounds. With the pandemic hitting us, the organizations have started to realise the importance of remote and freelance work and how talent can be used effectively. Projects were stalled and businesses were stopped because of the pandemic. In this situation, an on demand workforce makes more sense as the workers can be paid for the work they do and relieved soon after.

The world is unpredictable. Economies change, demographics play a vital role and now companies can build a flexible workforce and succeed, says Rachit Mathur- Founder CEO at Avenue Growth.

To tackle this major challenge, organizations like Avenue Growth have scaled rapidly in providing on-demand workforce solutions to its clients. Avenue Growth’s platform helps clients in Finding, Hiring, Managing on-demand workforce with ease. A secured gateway is also uploaded for safe payments to the specialists.

Rachit Mathur-CEO at Avenue Growth believes the on-demand market in the country is just at the tip right now and going to grow many folds in coming months. Avenue Growth right now is adding 600-700 freelancers on a daily basis. The demand from businesses has gone up with 90-100 clients being added everyday. The platform has more than 1500 active clients right now.

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Along with Rachit Mathur as the CEO, JP Rout is the COO at Avenue Growth and Aasheesh Watts as the CPO handles products and tech.

Recent surveys suggest that companies are turning towards building a flexible workforce as to deal with digitisation requires the latest skills and hence a skilled workforce. The world is competitive with new competitors emerging out each day and organizations need to prepare for the future. Almost 60% of the CEOs have agreed that a small skilled workforce is more beneficial and can augment to the core specific needs.

Here’s what is surprising- Although many companies have agreed to the fact that these models are more effective, a few of them have actually thought of building such a model. They are continuing with the costly, inefficient method as that is how traditionally the world has functioned. Maybe they still think that it's a lot of work to transform a model completely but the sooner the better. For companies to do well in the global competition, fast work and digital transformation is the key.

Millions of people lost their job due the pandemic but as they say- nothing lasts forever. Companies have started rehiring people. What has changed is maybe the approach and it has changed for good. Managers are now thinking about what capabilities are required and how they can hire skilled freelancers to complete a task at the right time. After the pandemic, uncertainty has become an unwelcome guest and managers are starting to get more attracted towards the freelance route. Mostly because freelance hiring is easy, spots get filled quickly, there is more talent and learning and offers access to a wider range of skills. Additionally, there is more flexibility, which is the need of the hour.

As we prepare for the future and embrace the new normal, it is important to act boldly. By building a flexible model and hiring growth specialists, you will be able to deliver results on time and speed up operations which can be profitable for your business, adds Rachit Mathur.

The USPs of Avenue Growth include an in house development platform, expert founding team, cost effective, assured quality of deliverables and scalable. So basically Avenue Growth is a platform designed for businesses to scale instantly by getting work done through on demand workforce. After a successful tenure in sales outsourcing, and services like field executives, telecallers, business development and store promoters, Avenue Growth’s new strategy of an on demand workforce is just what is needed right now. The firm has a presence in 300+ cities.

Let’s take a look at some key trends which are forcing people to pay attention towards flexible work models:


There has been a significant rise in divorces and hence single parents. Many employees have been forced to drop out of jobs as full time working is causing them trouble. If the flexible work model is established, it becomes easy for them to manage home as well as deliver quality work and get paid decent money.

Female employment

Many women, due to the way society works, have been forced to give up work and stay at home. According to a study, many highly talented women are staying home.  For these women who want to restart their career, a flexible work model is the best option. This way, they get to stay home and get paid as well.

After retirement plans

This is an extremely effective option for people who have retired work and are looking for options to showcase their talent while working remotely. This way, they get to earn some extra cash while working from the comfort of home.

Millennials and Gen Z

This is a perfect opportunity for the youth who are a pool of talent. Everywhere you see millennials and Gen Z are transforming the way work is done. With remote working and a flexible work schedule, you get youth to join your workforce and with that you get new ideas and creativity.

Though it can be difficult for the world to transform quickly, taking action is important. Thinking about how these models can revolutionize the way the world works, companies should give implementation of flexible work models a serious thought.

In the end, it's not the designations that matter. It's finding people who understand the work, the positioning that is needed, engaging with the workforce, and people who inspire cultural shifts in their organizations. These are the people who can make transformation possible.

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