To stay happy: live and eat healthy

Dr Ankur discusses ways by which a healthy diet, active lifestyle can keep you healthy and happy

  • Published:
  • 10/03/2022 03:02 PM

Physical activity and exercise keep a person healthy and happy. Additionally, a balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamin D and calcium helps to maintain muscular-skeletal health, provide long-term health benefits and improve the quality of life. It helps in healthy ageing.

A sedentary lifestyle or an inactive lifestyle causes loss of strength and stamina of muscles and bone and weakens the overall muscular-skeletal health. Being inactive affects both physical and mental wellbeing. A sedentary lifestyle along with unhealthy eating habits increases the risk of developing modern lifestyle-related diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart attack, depression, anxiety etc. Exercise may also change levels of chemicals in your brains, such as serotonin, endorphins and stress hormones and keep you happy and peaceful.

So, wake up it’s time to know yourself completely. Live your life. This video presents ways by which a healthy diet, active lifestyle can keep you healthy and happy.

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