To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise

Dr Aditya discusses the role of daily exercise in maintaining proper health and enjoying the glow of good health

  • Published:
  • 17/03/2022 05:35 PM

Health is the real wealth. Maintaining good health involves good physical, mental, emotional and psychological health. But in the current modern scenario, people hardly find time for their health. They spend long hours sitting and working with minimum physical activity. Physical inactivity and increased intake of junk food may result in impaired muscular-skeletal health, which increases the risk of developing many non-communicable diseases like obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, depression, anxiety, etc.

Sedentary behaviour and the rapid growth of legions of video games, social media and movie-streaming have engulfed the whole society including all age groups. It has increased the chances of childhood obesity and the risk of developing different diseases later in life. Ageing is inevitable, but good musculoskeletal health helps in healthy ageing and reduces the manifestations of ageing. People can participate in all the required activities and enjoy independence. Poor physical activity and poor musculoskeletal health lead to dependency, loss of participation, withdrawal from usual social and occupational activities and even hindering mental health.

So, let’s re-think and together take a step in maintaining the glow of good health. The video presents focusing on your health and a mix and match of moderate activity and a balanced diet to maintain and enjoy the glow of good health.

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