Good bye to sedentary lifestyle and welcome an active life with balanced diet

Dr. Chalvade discusses the importance of good Muscular skeletal health and strategies for improving it

  • Published:
  • 01/02/2022 03:49 PM

With the evolution, several behavioral chances have occurred. The modern day human have become so busy that they hardly have time for proper physical activity and healthy diet leading to different muscular skeletal impairments. These impairments substantially affect the personal, community and social health of an individual.

Today’s modern world believes in moving is living. With impaired muscular skeletal health it is difficult to actively participate in all aspects of life and lead a normal life. Poor Muscular skeletal health leads to sedentary lifestyle, which increases the chances of various lifestyle disorders like obesity ,  type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, osteoarthritis etc.


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So pause, for a moment, it may be time for all of us to re-think and start maintaining good Muscular skeletal health by saying good bye to sedentary lifestyle and Junk food and welcoming  daily physical activity and healthy and balanced food. This video presents importance of Muscular skeletal health and strategies for improving Muscular skeletal health.

Issued in Public Interest by Dr.Reddy's Laboratories LTD

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