The year 2012 will see change of guard in China, Russia, Mexico, US, France and even Egypt; the Arab Spring is expected to reach Sub-Saharan Africa. Will it all be peaceful?
With broadband and wireless auctions in India over, services are expected to roll out in 2012. As more consumers adopt broadband, multimedia content will get a fillip. This will change the media industry dynamics
Governments have proven to be too inefficient, the non-profits too small and the corporates too greedy to provide basic services. What about for-profit social enterprises?
Publishing in the West is in severe turmoil. But in India, literary festivals are a rage and new authors are being published every month
Over the past few years, car makers have been looking for an eco-friendly substitute to the internal combustion engine. Many now agree that the car will go all electric � powered by batteries. Some concerns remain, though
In response to Warren Buffett and Bill Gates�s initiative, many billionaires, including Facebook founders Mark Zuckerberg and Dustin Moskovitz, have committed to donate the majority of their wealth. Will India�s rich follow suit?
The way petrol prices are going up, Rs. 100 a litre isn�t improbable. Easier car loans and new models could further fuel demand and push petrol towards the century mark
The excitement around e-commerce companies today is eerily similar to that in 1999-2000. Are the fundamentals different this time?
Call it the Fukushima effect or a political mishap, mass protests have stalled the Jaitapur plant in Maharashtra, and now Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu
India had its best medals tally ever at the 2008 Olympic Games. The entire country is hoping that it will better the count in 2012
Tata Nano was hailed as the �people�s car�, but failed to deliver. Its competitors too have struggled. So, is there an ultra low-cost car segment at all?