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The Mark of a Great Institution: A Happy Student

Published: Feb 16, 2018 05:05:02 AM IST
Updated: Mar 12, 2019 12:32:59 PM IST

Quite often we come across people enquiring if their child is happy at school. That appears to be paramount among parameters to judge an educational institution. And why not? It is a popular notion that a happy child is a good learner. Modern scientific research also suggests the same.
Dr David Rock of the Neuro Leadership Institute reveals that there is a growing body of research that indicates that students who experience positive emotions are better at problem solving, generating newer ideas, collaborating with others and thinking in non-linear ways.
Medical studies also confirm that happiness leads to better learning. Dr. Manfred Spitzer of the University of ULM mentions “happiness and learning are very closely linked in our minds: positive experiences activate the nucleus accumbent which accelerate the learning process.”
It is safe then to presume then that happy students think better, learn better, and therefore make better future citizens.
Happiness as a Measure of Greatness
Happiness as a measure of greatness isn’t something new. Way back in the 1970s, the King of Bhutan realized that happiness was a key quotient in life. Hence Bhutan started measuring the wealth of their country in terms of GNH (Gross National Happiness) as against the rest of the world’s GNP (Gross National Product).
On applying this happiness quotient to the field of education, we arrived at the thought that happiness of a student can and should be an important indicator to mark the greatness of an institution.
For, the purpose of any institution shouldn’t be just aiming for better grades and quantitative measures of the child’s performance but to serve as a catalyst to drive the student towards success.
So, what makes a student happy?
Happiness, to a student comes, from feeling valued by peers and teachers; being comfortable and safe in the campus; experiencing the right blend of mental and physical activities; and being well-provided and cared for by the institution.
These then become the essentials that a committed institution needs to provide to its students. Render these and you are on the path to becoming a Great Institution, not merely because of your infrastructural support but because of the underlining commitment to happiness of the student.
Great Place to Study (GPTS) http://greatplacetostudy.org earnestly believes that happiness and learning share a symbiotic relationship. A happy student absorbs more; this in turn motivates a teacher; a motivated and willing teacher teaches better. Recognize this, pledge to nourish this, and you will be the Great Institution you want to be.

It is our sincere endeavor to create a global cache of committed world class institutions that believe in providing happiness to their students. And in the process, we came about conducting Student Satisfaction Surveys in educational institutions across the country, to rate them according the various parameters that contribute towards students’ happiness.
We believe that a great institute is one in which students enjoy learning, where learning is not restricted to classrooms, where teachers focus on character building, where infrastructure is up-to-date and above all, the students are happy and their happiness is the true validation of the greatness of the institution.
 “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” - Herman Cain
 Great Place to Study in collaboration with Forbes India will be releasing Forbes Marquee - The Great Indian School 2018 Special Edition by the 16th February 2018. The goal of this edition is to celebrate Indian schools that are empowering young minds and moulding future leaders through dynamic education models. Great Place to Study and Forbes Marquee annually celebrates Indian schools that are catering to the increasing need for a reform in the Indian education model as well as establishing their position as the thought leaders in the community. As you implement the same ideals and values in your education institution, we would be honoured to feature your school in our future editions.
Our latest edition titled -  The Great Indian School 2018 Special Edition to showcase Indian schools that are sculpting young minds with innovative teaching techniques and spearheading excellence in education is available at the stands.