The decision to review the policy comes after a former employee in the bank's wealth management business complained he was being forced by his bosses to interview people for jobs that had already been promised to others, just to meet the "diverse slate" requirement
The Wells Fargo corporate headquarters in San Francisco, May 9, 2022. The bank’s leaders will study how its “diverse slate” requirement is being carried out and what needs to change before restarting it in July. (Jim Wilson/The New York Times)
Wells Fargo is temporarily suspending a hiring policy that led some managers to conduct sham interviews of nonwhite and female candidates, following a report by The New York Times highlighting the practice, the bank’s chief executive, Charles W. Scharf, told employees in a letter Monday.
Instituted in 2020, the bank’s “diverse slate” policy stipulated that at least half the candidates interviewed for open positions paying $100,000 or more in annual salary needed to be “diverse” — a catchall term for racial minorities, women and members of other disadvantaged groups.
Though a version of the policy had been in place for years, Wells Fargo’s leaders spelled it out in writing in mid-2020 as part of a broader push to increase diversity at the bank. On Monday, Scharf told employees that the policy would be put on hold for several weeks to give the bank’s leaders time to study its use and make changes.
The pause would allow the bank to gain confidence that “the guidelines live up to their promise” and that “hiring managers, senior leaders and recruiters fully understand how the guidelines should work,” Scharf said in the letter.
The Times reported May 19 that a former employee in the bank’s wealth management business had complained that he was being forced by his bosses to interview people for jobs that had already been promised to others, just to meet the “diverse slate” requirement.
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