W Power 2024

From Darkness, Light

Or the idea behind our anniversary issue cover

Published: Jun 1, 2010 08:26:29 PM IST
Updated: Jun 1, 2010 08:43:27 PM IST

When we started thinking about the anniversary issue’s contents, we knew immediately that the cover had its work cut out for it. Sure, it had to signal the contents; but it also must do so in a way that did justice to a theme as big as ‘ideas that can change the world.’ Most apt would be if it were an idea in itself, even if not world-changing.

What we came up with was a cover that worked on two levels. At its basic level, it showcased the 25 contributors to this special issue, with line drawings of their faces, and the copy stated what it was all about, in rather bland, matter-of-facts words.

But there’s a hidden level to that cover. One that you won’t see in the bright light of day.
Thanks to a bit of wizardry with special phosphorescent inks, when you move the magazine from bright light directly into darkness — and the darker the better — it glows. Not the whole thing. Just a few carefully selected brush strokes in each face, and just a few of the letters from the headline. This involved sending our cover out for two print runs: one which produced the cover you see in ordinary light; the second a perfectly aligned overlay with phosphorescent ink.

So, what would you see in the dark? Something like this.

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