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Digital transformation: Seven steps to success

Published: Aug 24, 2017 11:13:03 AM IST
Updated: Aug 24, 2017 11:24:01 AM IST

Image: Shutterstock

Digital transformation is upon us, and every industry and every business is part of it. Change is happening fast and many, if not all, industries will be redefined. This new era is defined by transformation and disruption. The disruptors will be among the first digital organizations that define what a “digital enterprise” really looks like.

With this topic top of mind with executives, I hear the same question from nearly every company I talk to, regardless of size or industry: What does it mean to go through a digital transformation? What does it take? What is important?

This transformation requires a new mindset

Digital transformation is a technology proposition. There’s no doubt that the impact of technology is unprecedented in terms of things like unlimited compute power and unlimited storage that are becoming a reality today, as well as possibilities offered by disruptive technologies like IoT, artificial intelligence, deep learning, mixed reality, and so on.  Therefore, it is fair to say that technology will change the world, yet, once again.

We also know that the ability to connect and manage all assets, products, employees and customers globally has not really ever been possible or feasible, as well. Why is this important?  I believe in the notion that optimizing parts will sub-optimize the whole. For the first time ever, large enterprises will be able to optimize their businesses at global level in a way that was not possible before.

With these thoughts as a back-drop, I have compiled my thoughts and observations into seven key imperatives that today’s leaders need to consider as they are planning their own digital transformation. I encourage you to download this Step-by-Step Guide to understand these recommendations and to learn how your businesses can stay relevant and competitive in today’s new digital era.

Download: Digital Transformation: Seven steps to success


- By ÇaÄŸlayan Arkan, General Manager of Worldwide Manufacturing & Resources at Microsoft on July 6, 2016

Sponsored Post Disclaimer: This article is a part of the Forbes India LeaderSpeak: Digital Transformation series, in association with Microsoft