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Maple Finance, along with Icebreaker Finance, launched $300 million lending fund protocols for bitcoin miners

Icebreaker CEO believes that the market is now 'maturing'

Shashank Bhardwaj
2 min read
Published: Sep 21, 2022 05:33:40 PM IST
Updated: Sep 21, 2022 05:47:00 PM IST

Image: Shutterstock

The conventional crypto lending protocol, Maple Finance, along with its delegate Icebreaker Finance notified the provision of $300 million approx worth of acquired debt financing to the population and individual Bitcoin mining firms. The news comes as the mining industry scuffles with access to capital markets. Eligibility for funding application includes closures from certified organisational bodies meeting treasury management and power scheme standards from North America as well as Australia locale. The lending pool launch took place on September 20 and marks mid-sized Bitcoin mining and framework contributors. In an official tweet, Maple said, 

"Today, @IcebreakerDeFi joins Maple and opens a $300M capacity pool to provide secured debt financing to blue-chip Bitcoin mining and digital asset infrastructure companies."

Additionally, the progress seeks to convey risk-liable returns in deficient percentages (up to 13 per cent annually) to stockholders and capital distributors. The pool is unlatched to authorised investors who meet significant income or net asset margins within a jurisdiction. In the US domain, among many norms, this defines possessing an annual pre-tax income of over $200,000 ($300,000 with a spouse) or the presence of liquid assets worth more than $1 million.

As said by Maple Finance, primarily loans in the recently surged lending pool would last for 12 to 18 months of time span with an annual percentage rate of up to 20 per cent. Security of loans usually takes place by physical and cognitive values, power transformers, and other infrastructure assets possessed by the borrower and also could involve Bitcoin mining rigs. In concern with the development, Sidney Powell, CEO and co-founder of Maple Finance, asserted:

"Recent market headwinds have caused lenders to pull back, while traditional financing vehicles have been slower to engage this sector. Miners play an essential role in growing the crypto ecosystem and local economies, and we are proud to extend a new financing vehicle to direct capital where it is needed the most."

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Also, according to a statement by Glyn Jones, CEO and founder of Icebreaker Finance, "The market is now maturing to appreciate that non-recourse SPV ASIC backed financing can be inappropriate given the volatility in value of ASICs. Instead, a more diverse security package is required."

Shashank is the founder at yMedia. He ventured into crypto in 2013 and is an ETH maximalist. Twitter: @bhardwajshash