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Transformational Solutions Shaping Inclusive Connected Citizen Ecosystem

Hitachi is contributing to technologically empower India through Hitachi MGRM Net

Published: Feb 22, 2021 03:28:16 PM IST
Updated: Feb 25, 2021 11:14:32 AM IST

The government of India is currently doing a massive assessment under the Ease of Living Index Assessment1, a Citizen Perception Survey 2019-20. This is aimed at capturing the perception of citizens concerning the quality of life in the respective cities. Transforming the citizen lifecycle through Connected Citizen Ecosystem solutions, including e-Governance across domains such as e-Education, e-Healthcare, Agriculture, and more is a top priority for the government. Hitachi’s innovative and globally recognised OT x IT solutions, data analytics, IoT-enabled interactive devices, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics are transforming the lives of people in India. Hitachi, through Hitachi MGRM Net, has partnered with the Government of India intending to digitally metamorphose the society by ‘Powering Good’ and co-creating connected solutions that enhance social, environmental and economic values of the society, its citizens, and the customers.

The next level of development

Besides core digital sectors like IT, a McKinsey Global Institute report2, mirrors the way forward. It observes, newly digitalizing sectors such as agriculture, education, energy, financial services, healthcare, logistics and retail, as well as government services and labour markets could each create $10-$150 billion of incremental economic value in 2025. The government’s think tank, NITI Aayog, in its vision document3. “Strategy for India @75” emphasizes such sector-specific technology and innovation as one of the top drivers of economic growth, citizen welfare and governance enhancement.

“One of the transformative and evolutionary areas where Hitachi is contributing to technologically empower India is through Hitachi MGRM Net. Backed by more than 30 years of global research on human lifecycle, Hitachi MGRM Net sets the benchmark in creating an array of holistic solutions on a platform which encompasses the entire lifecycle of a citizen starting from birth till the end of their journey.” says, Mr Bharat Kaushal Managing Director, Hitachi India.

Hitachi MGRM Net offers domain expert applications, solutions, and services to public and private sectors in India. It also markets and implements state-of-the-art e-Governance Systems. The myriad of research data and analysis on governance systems enriches its solutions to be complete and most relevant across multiple domains such as Education, Healthcare and Agriculture. These are also the key areas where Hitachi MGRM Net has built solutions for India, a vast landscape of cultural and economic diversity within the urban and rural settings providing different opportunities. Apart from that, Hitachi MGRM Net’s revolutionary Master Governance Platform (M-Gov) delivers citizen-centric services through a single, integrated platform.

Innovation at work

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With Powering Good at the core of the citizen lifecycle, having transformational, robust Capex and Opex models integrated on one platform that works seamlessly amid multiple modular tech solutions is the key to Hitachi MGRM Net’s overall offering. Targeted at Business to Government to Citizen (B2G2C), Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Citizen (B2C) segments on an institutional level, this revolutionary M-Gov Platform operates across public, institutional, and administrative bodies. It is agnostic of any particular technology, lean enough to seamlessly connect with multiple complex tech modules and highly adaptive to the needs of the end-user and ensures last-mile delivery. M-Gov raises the fact of citizen entitlement and the values that are attached to the human lifecycle. It enhances the imagination, recognition and the convergence of daily prerequisites, aspirations, and the acceptance of the entitlement on behalf of the institutions. Education, healthcare, the duty of care, public services, occupational requirements such as agriculture and businesses like retail and consumer supply are integral to this platform. 

Hitachi MGRM Net’s Citizen Lifecycle e-Governance platform resides on a very advanced analytics engine on the upstream side and lends empowerment on the downstream side. For instance, by giving neutral payment access across banks and wallets by combining sound user security solutions.

To further illustrate, a key component of the Hitachi MGRM Net platform is the Smart Citizen Card. It is an Online Multi-Domain Value Card - a vital element and key differentiator of the Hitachi MGRM Net Education Expert System, one of the key e-Governance domains covered by this platform. The Card serves as a personal ID as well as processes and stores a variety of information related to a user such as health history, attendance, and cafeteria/uniform/bookstore charges.

Likewise, Hitachi MGRM Net has several such programs in professional requisites like agriculture and personal necessities like healthcare. In farm activities, Hitachi MGRM Net solutions impart education to farmer groups on the latest technologies, provide Agricultural extensions and remote help on issues in agriculture, promote agriculture as an enterprise, and enable required knowledge sharing and training as part of the program. A unique India-specific solution is the management of the local body governance as well as administration. The system helps track the implementation, progress and gaps of implementing several social welfare programs and beneficiaries.

The big picture

To empower the society, Hitachi, through Hitachi MGRM Net, is becoming an integral part of the next-generation government and private sector services and offers to engage with customers and citizens for a better quality of life. It will improve people’s lifestyle providing them with an enhanced environment. Hitachi, through Hitachi MGRM Net, aims to aid and enhance their imagination by the way of revisiting, resetting, and transforming its technology, which is everlasting, multi-functional, multi-operable and based on real-time systems.

Know more about Hitachi Social Innovation

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See Powering Good in action


1.  https://www.mygov.in/mygov-survey/ease-living-2019-20-citizen-perception-survey/ https://www.freepressjournal.in/analysis/when-will-there-be-a-full-fledged-economic-recovery-depends

2.  https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/mckinsey/business%20functions/mckinsey%20digital/our%20insights/digital%20india%20technology%20to%20transform%20a%20connected%20nation/digital-india-technology-to-transform-a-connected-nation-full-report.ashx

3.  https://niti.gov.in/writereaddata/files/Strategy_for_New_India.pdf

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