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The digital creative playbook developed by Facebook and Ogilvy outlines how businesses can use social creativity to transform brands, commerce and experiences

As global economies make way towards resurgence, digital platforms have become an obvious gateway to brand exposure and experiences. The latest Digital Creative Playbook developed by Facebook and Ogilvy takes us on a journey where creativity meets commerce

Published: Aug 17, 2020 02:38:09 PM IST

With extended lockdowns shutting down the physical world, Indian brands are leveraging social creativity to build experiences and commerce. With the change in consumer behaviour and the rise of virtual showrooms, businesses are adopting digital to simplify user experiences. The key is to deliver convenient one-click customer journeys with creative storytelling which puts brand experiences on the digital table.

Creative brand building on mobile ecosystem - Consumers are gravitating to brands they trust, which provides an opportunity to deepen consumer relationships. Therefore it’s crucial to understand consumer behavior to define an Omni channel strategy, build trust and engage in a way knowing mobile influence is central.

The report pointed out some of the key trends which can help businesses to build brands creatively, especially through mobile.

  1. Storytelling on mobile: The environment in which we consume creatives have changed drastically, evolving from traditional media to a mobile-first approach.

  2. Build brands with communities: Brands can effectively speak to their core customers with a message that resonates with them.

  3. Leveraging social media influencers: Collaborate with influencers & content creators to build marketing strategies.

Kunal Jeswani, CEO, Ogilvy India said, “We have packaged a post-COVID creative strategy to help businesses leverage the social platforms that are available to drive creative brand building. We have also taken the current environment in mind and collaborated with Facebook to provide creative tools for marketers.”

Using social creativity to drive commerce – The report extensively explores relevant case studies focusing on creative formats which have the power to collapse the funnel, drive impulse and instant sales action. It also states that consumer’s focus on the origin of the product, the brand’s response to the pandemic and loyalty to trusted brands will continue.

These consumer dynamics are playing out in a landscape of overwhelming size where brands are leveraging creativity to make the buying experience more engaging.

Sandeep Bhushan, Director and Head, Global Marketing Solutions at Facebook India said, “When it comes to brand experiences or commerce and sales across the axis, creative tools today are entirely available to the marketing and creative ecosystem. We have to understand what business problems are we solving, which stage of the consumer journey we are trying to tackle. You can find the right tools and solutions in our creative playbook.”


Creating virtual experiences in a post-COVID-19 museum: The enforced shift drove everyone to virtual working, consuming and socializing. As consumers turn to virtual experiences for every facet of their life, it becomes important for brands to build for this new customer journey. In such a scenario, it is evident that the virtual experience economy will rewrite the fundamentals of brand strategy, marketing and consumer engagement. 

Winners will be those who test and explore all the creative possibilities. This means simulating offline experiences through new-age formats like augmented reality, create virtual showrooms for auto brands, and using new-age interactive formats to get consumers more involved with the brand.

Read the full report here: https://bit.ly/3fMFZIa

Disclaimer: The views, suggestions and opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the experts. No Forbes India journalist was involved in the writing and production of this article.