Could humour be your best ally in a job interview?
Researchers from Imperial College London and the American universities of Stanford and Virginia report in a study recently published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin that working people should indulge in "humour bragging" at job interviews
The virtues of humor are widely recognized, including in the workplace, even if this quality is rarely used in the hiring process. Yet job applicants may do well to show their wit to recruiters.
Researchers from Imperial College London and the American universities of Stanford and Virginia report in a study, recently published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, that working people should indulge in "humorbragging" at job interviews. This word is a contraction of "humor" and "bragging," and describes the art of talking about your skills and professional achievements in jest or with wit.
According to the authors of the study, "humorbragging" enables job applicants to stand out by talking about their achievements without appearing arrogant. "This approach allows individuals to highlight their competencies and achievements in a manner that is perceived as more likable and less threatening," study author Jieun Pai, an assistant professor in the Management and Entrepreneurship Department at Imperial College Business School, told PsyPost.
A double-edged sword
Jieun Pai and colleagues came to this conclusion after conducting four experiments, including one in which volunteers were asked to put themselves in the shoes of a restaurant owner looking for a new pastry chef. Participants in the study were then asked to evaluate transcripts of mock job interviews with candidates interested in the position.One of the questions focused on the moment in their career of which they were most proud. The researchers drafted two possible answers: one very factual, the other incorporating "humorbragging." As it turned out, the volunteers were more convinced by the latter. In their paper, the researchers explain that "humorbragging" increases warmth and perceived competence, "two underlying mechanisms for the positive effect of 'humorbragging' on an employer’s hiring intentions."
Last Updated :
February 21, 24 02:57:06 PM IST