By Harvard Business School| Jan 29, 2024
Three-quarters of US employees are balancing caregiving with their careers. If companies could prevent five of them from quitting, they could save $200,000. Joseph Fuller offers a seven-point plan for supporting the sandwich generation and beyond
[CAPTION]Fuller’s latest Managing the Future of Work report guides organizations in supporting work-life balance for caregivers.
Image: Shutterstock[/CAPTION]
In December 2023, Wayfair CEO Niraj Shah made headlines with a blunt company-wide email: “Working long hours, being responsive, blending work and life, is not anything to shy away from … There is not a lot of history of laziness being rewarded with success.”
The missive followed a series of layoffs. Ostensibly, Shah was trying to refocus employees.
_RSS_New research from Harvard Business School Professor Joseph B. Fuller offers a different take. When workers feel tension between their work and private lives, they’re likely to quit or be less productive.
Fuller’s latest Managing the Future of Work report guides organizations in supporting work-life balance for caregivers. Fuller finds that there are strong incentives to support these employees with benefits; payoffs include lower turnover and less absenteeism.
Instead of urging people to show up more, an employer should ask: “Why don’t I understand why they’re not showing up?” says Fuller, who co-chairs the Project on the Workforce at Harvard.
The good news: As more leaders move into the sandwich generation and care for aging parents while raising children, the more chance that the issue will become mainstream. “One of the reasons we see senior executives being the big sponsors of caregiving benefits is because they’ve lived it,” Fuller says, offering a seven-point plan for managers who want to follow suit.
Three out of four US workers have caregiving roles. Fuller reports that 50 percent of workers between the ages of 26 and 35 and about 30 percent between the ages of 36 and 45 say that caregiving negatively affected their career.
Businesses in the United States incur more than $1 trillion in costs annually due to turnover. Many of these workers want family-related perks: A survey conducted by Willis Towers Watson found that 40 percent of employees desire family-related assistance, with preference for expanded family leave, bereavement leave or assistance, and additional maternity leave.
Companies can attract and retain talent by investing in and maintaining family-friendly policies, Fuller says—and every little bit counts.
Fuller found that, if caregiving support prevented five employees from quitting, it would save the company $200,000. That math assumes the employees earn an average of $80,000 and carry a replacement cost of 50 percent. Fuller used data from 97 clients of caregiver-support benefits company Wellthy over an almost two-year period to arrive at the conclusions. Overall, he found fairly modest reductions in resignation and absentee rates yielded a very attractive return on investment for employers.
“Only when the company has all the data required to do a proper return-on-investment analysis can it understand the extent of the caregiving challenges facing their workforce,” Fuller warns.
Also read: Are you ready for the "longevity economy"?
For years, caregiving wasn’t discussed on the job. Taking a child to the doctor or visiting mom at a nursing home was furtively wedged between meetings and deadlines.
Shifts to remote work and flexible hours during early pandemic lockdowns, for example, made care obligations less secretive. But it might not persist: About 50 percent of employers plan to continue offering backup childcare or elder care, and only 44 percent plan to continue to offer paid sick days, according to the report.
Why are companies reluctant to maintain these benefits? Fuller attributes it to outdated management policies that are more suited to the assembly lines of the Industrial Age than today’s post-industrial information economy.