By AFPRelaxnews | Dec 15, 2022
"Mad skills" have become particularly desirable in a world of work that has been reshaped by the Covid-19 pandemic, where companies are looking to reinvent their organizational approaches
[CAPTION]Like soft skills, "mad skills" are linked to the personality of the employee, except that they are more unexpected.
Image: Shutterstock[/CAPTION]
Standing out from the crowd is a must when applying for a job or getting promoted. Certain unique skills can help you do this. These are what HR personnel and recruiters refer to as "mad skills." Such skills have become particularly desirable in a world of work that has been reshaped by the Covid pandemic, where companies are looking to reinvent their organizational approaches.
_RSS_The expression refers to the "offbeat," "atypical" skills of an employee or a candidate. The expression slides into a set of terminology recognized today by all people in the work milieu, no matter whether they are just starting their career or count decades of experience. These days, CVs or resumés are built around two categories of skills, namely "hard skills" and "soft skills." The first refers to knowledge and expertise that can be measured by diplomas or certification, while the second refers to interpersonal skills that indicate how well an employee will fit into a specific work setting (communication, punctuality, friendliness, etc.).
Mad skills are also often related to the personality of the employee, except that they are more original— and rare—than soft skills. For instance a recruiter might particularly value the experience gained by an employee on the year they took off to undertake a permaculture project or the podcast they launched during the pandemic, or the van they're equipping to be a home on the road in the hopes of setting out to explore the wilderness.
At first, the skills gained through such experiences may appear to be totally unrelated to the position a candidate is applying for. But in these experiences, the recruiter may see a touch of originality that allows the candidate to bring an offbeat, even disruptive, perspective to issues that arise in a professional context. For example, the year you spent as an expat on the other side of the world may not have provided you with the "hard skills" necessary for the sales manager position you are applying for, but it shows that you have an adventurous spirit and a certain taste for challenge—especially if you didn't speak the local language before your departure.
Also read: 5 Top skills employers are looking for in new business graduates and others