Copyright 2019,

Physical fitness and musculoskeletal conditions

Dr. Rajat Jangir converse about the relationship between musculoskeletal pain and physical activity

Musculoskeletal health refers to the proper functioning of muscles, joints, and bones without pain. People with good musculoskeletal health can carry out various activities with great ease and no discomfort. A weakened musculoskeletal system can lead to substantially adverse physical, psychological and societal consequences, particularly in the elderly population.

Impaired musculoskeletal health can cause acute and chronic pain in muscles, bones, or joints, leading to physical restrictions, loss of participation, and withdrawal from day-to-day social, communal, and occupational activities. This drifts an individual towards isolation disrupting his social well-being, affecting his mental health, and degrading his overall quality of life.

Several epidemiological studies have revealed the interconnection between musculoskeletal health and the physical ability of an individual. An individual with arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders is sure to be less active than an individual without arthritis. Similarly, a person following an inactive and sedentary lifestyle is more prone to musculoskeletal ailments.

Painful musculoskeletal conditions lead to a lack of physical activity and cause functional decline, thus inducing frailty, depression, reduced independence, and loss of well-being. Impaired musculoskeletal health impedes the gross-motor and fine-motor capabilities like gripping power, limb strength, walking speed, etc. of an individual leading to severe clinical manifestations and may require prolonged medication or surgical support for its rectification.

Thus, a regular fitness regimen should be followed by everyone regardless of age, sex, and medical conditions to lead a healthy and happy life.

Issued in Public Interest by Dr.Reddy's Laboratories LTD

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