Copyright 2019,

Tips to Live healthy with Diabetes

Dr. Jyoti Bhattari underlines importance of healthy lifestyle changes and regular blood glucose monitoring in living a healthy life with type 2 diabetes

Diabetes is a lifestyle disorder that if not well controlled, is associated with numerous complications. Absence of initial symptoms, unawareness about the importance of diabetes screening, and prevalent myths about diabetes exaggerate the burden of its complications. In this video, Dr. Jyoti Bhattari underlines the prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes and busts frequent myths about living healthy with diabetes. Dr. Jyoti highlights that lifestyle modifications like healthy diet, regular exercise and relaxation, medication adherence, quitting smoking, and staying positive goes a long way in managing diabetes and reducing the risk of its complications. She also recommends regular monitoring of blood glucose levels and other laboratory investigation like lipid levels, blood pressure, foot and eye examination to enhance early screening for complications.

Issued in Public Interest by USV PVT LTD

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