Copyright 2019,

Beware of the Hypertensive Complications

Dr Banerjee underlines the complications that may arise out of uncontrolled high blood pressure and suggests ways to keep a check on your blood pressure.

Since, high blood pressure is so common, it might be tempting to assume that it’s no big deal. But the truth is that when left untreated, high blood pressure can put you at risk for potentially life-threatening complications. It can lead to severe health complications and increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, erectile dysfunction, eye disease, and sometimes even death. Keeping blood pressure under control is vital for preserving health and reducing the risk of these dangerous conditions. Hypertension can be identified with regular checks, and if found, it can be successfully treated using a combination of medication and heart-healthy lifestyle changes—or sometimes, lifestyle changes alone.

Taking high blood pressure seriously and following your doctor’s treatment instructions can lower your risks of serious complications and make a big difference in your overall health. Regular blood pressure monitoring can help people avoid these more severe complication

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