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Manage high BP and its complications with yoga

Uncontrolled hypertension lead to complications that can affect almost every organ in the body. However, yoga can help you manage hypertension holistically, says Dr. Debasish saha

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Since, high blood pressure is so common, it might be tempting to assume that it’s no big deal. But the truth is that when left untreated, high blood pressure can put you at risk for potentially life-threatening complications. It can lead to severe health complications and increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, erectile dysfunction, eye disease, and sometimes even death. Keeping blood pressure under control is vital for preserving health and reducing the risk of these dangerous conditions. Hypertension can be identified with regular checks, and if found, it can be successfully treated using a combination of medication and heart-healthy lifestyle changes—or sometimes, lifestyle changes alone.

Taking high blood pressure seriously and following your doctor’s treatment instructions can lower your risks of serious complications and make a big difference in your overall health. Regular blood pressure monitoring can help people avoid these more severe complications.

Issued in Public Interest by USV PVT LTD 

High blood pressure, what doctors call hypertension, affects one in three adults. High blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and other adverse cardiovascular events. Traditionally treatment has been medication, diet, exercise, and no smoking or alcohol. However, recent studies suggest that there’s a lot you can do to keep your blood pressure within a healthy range, including starting a yoga practice. Yoga, including pranayama, asanas and meditation, when performed mindfully, can reduce stress-induced hypertension, while addressing its underlying causes. It pacifies the nervous system and slows down the heart, while training the muscles and mind to relax deeply.

Studies suggest that Yoga may help reduce blood pressure in people who are at risk for developing hypertension. However, people with high blood pressure are warned to be cautious in approaching exercise. This is generally because vigorous exercise puts stress on the cardiovascular system, including raising heart-rate and blood pressure. Before engaging in any sort of exercise program, including yoga of any type or variety, people with any sort of cardiovascular condition including high blood pressure should consult their physician. Also, it is important to remember that yoga may be a complementary therapy. It is not a replacement for treatments and medications that a healthcare professional recommends.

Disclaimer: The views, suggestions and opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the experts. No Forbes India journalist was involved in the writing and production of this article.