By Forbes India| Jun 11, 2016
The one thing you shouldn’t do is try to tell a cab driver how to get somewhere.
—Jimmy Fallon
Taxi drivers often recognise me... but I haven’t got a free ride yet.
—Dan Stevens
I have done almost every human activity inside a taxi which does not require main drainage.
—Alan Brien
I’m a terrible singer, but it helps when I have to call a taxi.
—Gordon Getty
Life is like riding a taxi; whether you are going anywhere or not, the meter keeps ticking.
—John Maxwell
Calling a taxi in Texas is like calling a rabbi in Iraq.
—Fran Lebowitz
I tip taxi drivers so poorly; I’m amazed none of them has run over my foot while speeding off.
—Sloane Crosley
No matter what you may believe, all men’s fragrances smell like the air freshener in a taxi.
—Patricia Marx
When you grumble about a taxi being dirty, people your own age will absolutely agree with you, whereas younger people will say, ‘You should be so lucky to have a taxi; I walk to work’.
—Ian McKellen
When I’m a brunette, it’s four times harder to hail a taxi. Then I go blonde again, and suddenly there are taxis everywhere.
—Sally Phillips
Anytime four New Yorkers get into a cab together without arguing, a bank robbery has just taken place.
—Johnny Carson
If, in New York, you arrive late for an appointment, say, ‘I took a taxi’.
—André Maurois
The first thing that strikes a visitor to Paris is a taxi.
—Fred Allen
“Cab drivers are living proof that practice does not make perfect.”
—Martin H Fischer