When Raj Shamani joined his family business at 16, he started by selling dish soaps along with his father. The business scaled 20x in 18 months, and after making it profitable, he started sharing his journey on social media. He is now one of the most-followed content creators in India with over a million followers on Instagram. Shamani talks about finance, startups, sales, and how young people can find opportunities. He's also the founder of Figuring Out Academy, an edtech platform where people can learn how to build and scale their startups from scratch, and the founder of Figuring Out, a podcast show on entrepreneurship. He's also an angel investor in startups like Classplus, Growth School, Zionverse, Wint Wealth, Deciml, Mainstreet, Avalon Scenes, and more.
creator stats
Rank: 36
Age: 25
Handle: @rajshamani
Category: Business & Finance
Avg Views: 3,15,810.24
Avg Engagement: 41,950.33
Engagement Rate: 2.93
Avg Reach: 2,76,598
Genuity: 98.31
Creator INscore: 8.86
*Data as on June 9, 2022. All data is of the past 12 months.